HB 1407 information

Additional points against HB 1407:

This bill was put together by the Adoption Circle Hawaii, and it orginates in the Bay area of California. http://www.adoptioncirclehawaii.com/services.htm They have a list of "very valuable links" that are surprisingly very anti-adoption. As you read their links and resources it is clearn they treat adoption as a violation of children's rights and birth mother rights.

Here are quotes from their websites to give you an idea of their perspective:
  • "Women who LOST babies to adoption are referred to as "moms" or natural moms."
  • "No one should die simply because they are adopted." (emergency organ transplant needs)
  • "Bastard Nation: Advocates for the civil and human rights of adult citizens who were adopted as children. Please join us in our efforts to end a hidden legacy of shame, fear and venality."
  • "7 Core Issues in Adoption: Loss, Rejection, Guilt, Shame, Grief..."
  • "RegDay: Registry dedicated to reuniting adult family members separated by adoption, divorce, or other dislocation.

It appears HB 1407 was inspired by those who have had negative experiences with adoption. Let's submit our stories of adoption success, love, and joy! We must make sure the legislature hears a balanced view.

The legislature WILL PASS this bill unless they receive an outpouring of written AND verbal testimony. Please make the sacrifice and do all you can to be there on Wednesday.

Right to privacy is not only a concern for bith mothers, but also for the children.

Doctors, schools, churches, and other organizations requiring birth certificates would have access to birth parent info whether or not the parents choose to tell the child. This would cause confusion in the life of the child. "How come strangers know so much about me, Mom?" or "Why did I have to hear the truth from a stranger before hearing it from you, Dad?"

Some children are adopted from negative environments or situations that are best left alone in the past. This bill would forever connect adopted children to their past even in dangerous situations.

HB 1407 removes 8 complete pages of laws protecting bith mother and adopltive child confidentiality

HB 1407 removes the terms "confidentiality" and "consent" 18 times

Please join us in OPPOSING HB1407.